Generation Genius videos are 12-minutes long and include lesson plans, teacher guides, DIY activities and stopping points for class discussion.
(Enrollments: Parent will come in and pick up an enrollment packet and then schedule an appointment to return once all documentation has been secured. GPA 2.5 and above, Combined (2) unexcused Absence and (2) unexcused late to school no more than 4 per marking period. Video lessons made in partnership with the National Science Teachers Association that engage, educate & inspire kids in science. Field Trip Tomorrow Dear 2 nd Grade Parents, Just a friendly reminder that our field trip to the ZACH Theatre to see Holiday Heroes is scheduled for Thursday, November 29th. Tori Jacobs-Sumbry, Assistant Principalįor inquiries, general questions or to contact the school, please email: For attendance-related matters please email announcements and school news, please like our new Facebook and Instagram Page: Please feel free to look around and familiarize yourself with the new 2nd grade website Wednesday, November 28, 2012. This will be accomplished through rigor, relevance, and relationships between all Granby stakeholders. Our mission is to 'Raise the Bar' so that ALL students will be well prepared for college and the world of work.